It was heartwarming to see the media praise Joe Biden for his selfless act of withdrawing from the presidential campaign.
They carried on with this spoof all the way until the debate this year when it was obvious the emperor had no clothes
In a Vegas world of copycats, The Mirage was one of a kind. Truly a shame to close a gem.
Biden’s enablers were the truly cynical and dishonest ones, hoping that their fake narrative about Biden’s continued vitality could see them through until November.
Even when Vance is wrong on specific policies, he’s thoughtfully trying to fix the right problems.
And Democrats sanctimoniously lecture America that “democracy dies in darkness.”
The agency should deliver actual consumer protection by going after everyday scammers.
The great Democratic reset has launched to much enthusiasm among progressives and their numerous media stenographers. The Republican retool has been a mixed bag.
More vote-buying from the Biden administration.
Surviving Las Vegas in the summer.
The Constitution allows us to have such weapons for our protection.
The benefits of such film subsidies are consistently oversold by star-struck politicians parading under the banner of economic development.
Mr. Trump’s followers are indeed under the spell of this man, and that is why this country is divided so egregiously.
The Biden/Harris administration has been a disaster, and Mr. Obama knows it.