It’s like stepping back in time.
But where will they leave the deliveries?
President Donald Trump isn’t the only president to shake hands with every Air Force graduate.
The president stated recently that he is the most transparent president ever.
A gold medal for flip-flopping in the presidential gymnastics Olympics.
A bill that earned overwhelming bipartisan support in the Assembly didn’t even receive a hearing in the Senate.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has now proclaimed that she ultimately wants to see President Donald Trump in jail.
I was amused with Wayne Allyn Root’s analogy of Donald Trump being the Roadrunner and Democrats playing the role of Wile E. Coyote.
County Commissioner is cuckoo for tax increases.
The tax fight over Senate Bill 551 in this year’s Legislature bears some striking resemblances to a similar fight in Carson City 16 years ago.
The situation has gotten out of control as patients all over the country — Nevada included — lament their inability to afford the medication they need to live.
Let the market address the issue.
How about following the law on tax increases?
2019 Legislative session a boon for government.