Biden, the dead fish.
The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act is a nice law, but, under certain conditions, wind power developers can go around it by getting permits for the “incidental,” but entirely predictable, killing of the eagles the law is supposed to protect.
The greatest country in the history of the world is about to have its birthday, but some people won’t be celebrating. Their mistake.
Contemplating the higher aspirations of the Declaration on Independence.
Arming a proxy in a war waged against the homeland of a nuclear adversary is a new and dangerous phenomenon.
The White House facade came crashing down that evening as President Joe Biden — having been sequestered for a week to prepare — looked worn and weary from the start.
Why not invest in programs that have success stories and that work rather than fund the same old, same old system that has not been successful and will continue to flounder?
Donald Trump and Sam Brown are extremists. These are two men who would sooner throw your vote away if it’s not for them.
Welcome ex-Californians. But please try not to help turn Nevada into the state you just left.
The verdict from the CNN debate: It wasn’t what Joe Biden said so much as how he said it. Which is to say: Not very well.
The high court reigned in the ubiquitous administrative state by putting new life into the Seventh Amendment’s right to a jury trial. In April, it struck a blow for the Fifth Amendment.
If you want to understand the connection between “diversity” and antisemitism, look at Nevada’s higher education system.