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At least 17 dead in South Carolina floods

Rescuers searched early Wednesday for two people missing in floodwaters in South Carolina, while authorities urged residents in hundreds of homes to seek higher ground as a dam threatened to fail.

Draft Biden PAC launches first ad urging VP Biden’s run in 2016

Draft Biden, the political action committee created to urge Joe Biden to jump into the 2016 presidential race, has released its first national television ad in the latest sign the vice president is moving closer to a decision to run.

Ten Commandments monument removed overnight from Oklahoma Capital

Under the cover of night, a 6-foot-tall granite monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments was removed from the Oklahoma Capitol grounds after judges said its placement on government land violated state law, officials said on Tuesday.

Bellagio craps scheme defied 452 billion-to-1 odds

To say that four men who pulled more than $1 million from Bellagio craps tables defied the odds would be something of an understatement. The chances that they legitimately won as much as they did in one of their many sessions over the course of two years: 452 billion-to-1.

Stephanie Meyer announces new gender-swapped ‘Twilight’

“Twilight” is getting a gender swap. Author Stephenie Meyer has published a new book in honor of the 10th anniversary of the best-selling franchise, with the genders of the original protagonists switched.

NATO says Russia’s violation of Turkish air space is ‘unacceptable’

NATO on Tuesday rejected Moscow’s explanation that its warplanes had violated alliance member Turkey’s air space by mistake and said Russia was sending more ground troops to Syria and building up its naval presence.

Edward Snowden says he has offered to go to prison in U.S.

Edward Snowden says he’s offered “many times” to go to prison in the United States as part of a deal to return from exile in Russia but is still waiting for an answer from the American government.

4 things you need to know about McDonald’s all day breakfast

The new CEO of McDonald’s is making big changes to try to boost the chain’s stagnant sales. His boldest move yet starts Tuesday: all-day breakfast. It’s harder than it sounds.

Ashley Judd says she was sexually harassed by movie studio mogul

As part of this week’s Variety Power of Women issue, Ashley Judd shared a story that she’s never publicly revealed before. When she was filming Paramount’s “Kiss the Girls” in the late 90s, Judd was sexually harassed by a mogul from a rival studio.

Oregon gunman spared student’s life, called him ‘the lucky one’

The killer called him “the lucky one.” For reasons he might never understand, Matthew was chosen to live by the gunman in last week’s Oregon community college shooting that left nine people dead.