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In South Africa, Obama pays tribute to ill Mandela

Paying tribute to his personal hero, President Barack Obama met privately Saturday with Nelson Mandela’s family as the world anxiously awaited news on the condition of the ailing 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader.

Pressure on House to act on immigration

The House and its conservative majority are coming under pressure to act after the Senate passed a landmark immigration bill opening the door to U.S. citizenship to millions while pouring billions of dollars into securing the border with Mexico.

You’ve been warned: Stay inside

Summer is waging war with a vengeance, and it’s taking no prisoners.

American killed as violence flares in Egypt before weekend rallies

CAIRO — Tens of thousands of supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi rallied Friday in Cairo, and both sides fought each other in the second-largest city of Alexandria, where two people were killed — including an American — and 85 were injured, officials said.

Second man arraigned in Hernandez murder case; third suspect arrested

A man arrested in Connecticut in connection with the murder case against former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was charged with a weapons count, and investigators said a third suspect was arrested Friday in south Florida.

Neighbor testifies about Martin-Zimmerman fight

A neighbor of George Zimmerman who had perhaps the best view of the struggle between the neighborhood watch volunteer and Trayvon Martin testified at Zimmerman’s murder trial Friday that it appeared the unarmed teen was straddling Zimmerman during their confrontation.

New map may explain Lee’s decisions at Gettysburg

On the second day of fighting at Gettysburg, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee listened to scouting reports, scanned the battlefield and ordered his second-in-command, James Longstreet, to attack the Union Army’s left flank.

Oh, Canada: Cavaliers take Bennett with No. 1 pick

Anthony Bennett learned he would be making NBA draft history the same time as everyone else. “When they said my name,” Bennett said of the Cleveland Cavaliers surprisingly taking Bennettand making him the first Canadian No. 1 overall pick.

Sears next to sever ties with Paula Deen

Paula Deen just lost another business partner.

Sears Holdings Corp. announced Friday that it is cutting ties with the Southern celebrity chef, adding to the list of companies severing their relationship following revelations that Deen used racial slurs in the past.

Obama recasts chase for Snowden as unexceptional

The last thing President Barack Obama wants to do is turn Edward Snowden into a grand enemy of the state or a Daniel Ellsberg-type hero who speaks truth to power.

Bennett shocked to go first

NEW YORK — Allergies were bothering Anthony Bennett from the time he woke up Thursday. He was sneezing and feeling miserable, and then suddenly, he had never felt better in his life.

Senate passes historic immigration bill

WASHINGTON — With a solemnity reserved for momentous occasions, the Senate passed historic legislation Thursday offering the priceless hope of citizenship to millions of immigrants living illegally in America’s shadows. The bill also promises a military-style effort to secure the long-porous border with Mexico.

Friend: Trayvon Martin encounter with George Zimmerman racially charged

SANFORD, Fla. — George Zimmerman’s defense attorney insisted during several testy exchanges with an important prosecution witness Thursday that Trayvon Martin injected race into a confrontation with the neighborhood watch volunteer and insinuated the young woman was not believable because of inconsistencies in her story.

‘Sopranos’ creator David Chase memorializes James Gandolfini

NEW YORK — The creator of “The Sopranos” said at James Gandolfini’s funeral that the actor brought the traits of a sad boy, “amazed and confused,” to the role of Tony Soprano.