Governor Sisolak sends message to employees – Video
Governor Sisolak sends message to employees – Video

Gov. Steve Sisolak’s preliminary proposal to trim spending in the state will include one furlough day per month for 18,000 employees and a freeze on merit raises and filling job vacancies, but only 50 layoffs of active employees.

Nevada Board of Dental Examiners terminates top staffers – VIDEO
Nevada Board of Dental Examiners terminates top staffers – VIDEO

The Nevada Board of Dental Examiners terminated its two top staffers for a second time Friday, Jan. 17, 2020, providing both with undisclosed separation packages. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @bizutesfaye

Jay Inslee talks climate change in Las Vegas
Jay Inslee talks climate change in Las Vegas

Wash. Gov. Jay Inslee spoke about climate change at the at the Nevada Conservation League offices in Las Vegas, Saturday, March 9, 2019.

Laxalt Talks About His Plans for Health Care, Economic Development
Laxalt Talks About His Plans for Health Care, Economic Development

Nevada should institute work requirements for adults who can work and encourage doctors to come and remain in Nevada, according to Republican gubernatorial candidate and attorney general Adam Laxalt. He also thinks Nevada should focus its economic development efforts on removing barriers to entry, instead of providing tax breaks to select companies.

Laxalt Discusses his Education Plan and Why he Won’t Repeal the Commerce Tax
Laxalt Discusses his Education Plan and Why he Won’t Repeal the Commerce Tax

Nevada education needs more money combined with accountability, but it’s too early to promise funding for Education Savings Accounts. There also isn’t a way to repeal the commerce tax next legislative session and a gubernatorial debate isn’t happening after Steve Sisolak rejected an invitation to debate on statewide TV. That’s according to Republican gubernatorial candidate and current Nevada attorney general Adam Laxalt.

Nevada Primaries: Governor Races
Nevada Primaries: Governor Races

Review-Journal Political reporter Colton Lochhead goes over the election night primary results for the Governor races.