Lady Gaga announces COVID-19 benefit concert – VIDEO
Lady Gaga announces COVID-19 benefit concert – VIDEO

Lady Gaga made the announcement during a World Health Organization call on Monday. The global televised special will take place April 18, and proceeds will help fund protective equipment for health-care professionals. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Over 1M people have been infected with COVID-19 worldwide – VIDEO
Over 1M people have been infected with COVID-19 worldwide – VIDEO

According to Johns Hopkins University, as of April 3, more than 1,033,000 people have been infected with coronavirus. The U.S. has the most reported cases, with nearly a quarter of a million infections. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

WHO declares coronavirus a pandemic – VIDEO
WHO declares coronavirus a pandemic – VIDEO

Officials of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the pandemic from its Geneva headquarters on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Until now, the WHO has declined to make a pandemic declaration, which it defines as a “worldwide spread of a new disease.” (Las Vegas Review-Journal)