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Man accused of robbing Las Vegas Strip casino in blackface

A white man accused of robbing a Strip casino in blackface in January was charged Friday in federal court, records show. Cameron James Kennedy, 26, was charged with robbery in the armed holdup of a casino cage at New York-New York, according to the U.S. Department of Justice and a federal criminal complaint filed last week. The Las Vegas man already was under federal supervision on prior bank robbery charges when he allegedly cut off his GPS monitoring bracelet and robbed the casino in the early morning of Jan. 10, according to the complaint. Kennedy used makeup to appear black, Las Vegas police said. On Jan. 18, an anonymous tipster told investigators that Kennedy robbed the casino.

COMMENTARY: Institutionalized theft

The national debt is imprudent and immoral. Last month, the federal government added $347 billion to the debt, which will cross $35 trillion in short order.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Ukraine and the Winter War, 1939-1940

Lessons from an earlier time. Zelensky might do well by studying the career of Mannerheim and how, with dignity, he saved Finland from the Russian meatgrinder.