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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Illegal immigrant’s crime against dog should be an issue in 2020 election

As the world’s biggest dog lover, I am sick to my stomach over the story involving Fidel Lopez. But I always try to turn lemons into lemonade. I’ve just found the new Willie Horton TV commercial for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign.

Remember Willie Horton? He was a vicious murderer let out on weekend furlough by Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis. He promptly committed assault, armed robbery and rape. Dukakis was leading the presidential polls by 17 points when GOP strategist Lee Atwater made Horton the star of a TV commercial for George H.W. Bush’s re-election campaign.

Bush went on to win by 6 points. That’s a 23-point turnaround. Bush and Atwater were able to hang Horton around Dukakis’s political brand. Brilliant.

Meet the new Willie Horton — updated for 2020. His name is Fidel Lopez. And if President Trump is smart, he’ll hang Lopez around the political brand of the 2020 Democrat presidential nominee.

I really am the world’s biggest dog lover. There’s a reason D-O-G is God spelled backwards. Dogs are heaven sent. Dogs are man’s best friend. I know mine are.

What’s unique is both hard-core Republican men and hard-core Democrat women share a love of dogs. So this could be the only political television ad on earth that will resonate with everyone.

Fidel Lopez is an illegal alien from Mexico. His crime makes him subhuman in my book. He raped his girlfriend’s small dog — so many times and so violently, the dog died from the trauma. Can you even imagine the last moments of that dog’s life?

Lopez, of Portland, Oregon, was convicted of this heinous crime. ICE placed a detainer on him so he would be deported instantly upon release from prison. But Oregon liberals love illegal aliens so much, they refused to notify ICE. They purposely chose to release Lopez without notifying the agency. They want him a free man.

Can you imagine anyone being so liberal … so radical … so extreme … that they want this man walking America’s streets? Can you imagine hating ICE so much that you would side with illegals who rape and murder dogs? Welcome to today’s Democratic Party.

Heck, Democrat presidential candidates believe that Lopez should have the right to vote (and, in California, serve on juries).

Do you believe dog rapists and murderers should be protected from deportation? Do you want Fidel Lopez near your children, your wives, your dogs? Do you want him living next door to your home, your children’s school or a dog shelter?

I’ll bet a majority of Americans want Lopez kicked out of the country, in prison for life or worse. You know what you call those who don’t? Democrats.

Let’s create a TV commercial starring Lopez for Trump’s re-election. Let’s turn Lopez into this election’s Willie Horton.

This is Exhibit A for the madness and derangement of Democrats. Let’s hang Fidel Lopez around the political brand of every Democrat running for president who values the rights of illegal immigrants over American citizens.

I can’t wait for 2020.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 PM on Newsmax TV.

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: We’ll need a Marshall Plan to save the US economy

I just don’t know if virtually banning business and commerce — literally destroying Las Vegas; leaving millions unemployed; and potentially starting a Great Depression — was the right path for stopping this deadly virus.