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LETTERS: New execution chamber wastes money

To the editor:

Regarding the execution chamber op-ed (“New execution chamber an outrageous boondoggle,” May 27 Review-Journal), let me see if I have this correct. We have just approved $858,000 to build a 1,900-square-foot execution chamber at the state prison in Ely. We’re living in an economic drought in this state. We cannot provide adequate education, medical care or other needed services to our citizens.

Nebraska recently outlawed the death penalty. Nevada’s last execution was in 2006. The costs of prosecution and appeals are ridiculous.

Recently, a person was convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old girl and received a life sentence. Just putting convicts into our prisons — with poorly-paid guards, low staffing and brutal conditions — is worse than death. Let’s do that. It’s less expensive.

I will hold our Republican representatives in the Legislature responsible for such a terrible decision, along with their need to keep the death penalty. If they are so bent on killing someone, then contract with the state of Texas. Texas executes people better than anyone. Stick our people awaiting execution on a bus and ship them to Huntsville, Texas, and pay Texas whatever its fee is to execute convicts.

The state needs to use and prioritize our monies more wisely and provide the necessary services desperately needed by our well-behaved citizens and the children in Nevada. Wake up. Tell the GOP in Carson City to use common sense.



Digging for a subway

To the editor:

After reading the front-page article about the subway (“Strip subway system proposed,” May 28 Review-Journal), I was reminded of another plan that was supposed to relieve traffic problems on the Strip and at the airport: the Las Vegas Monorail.

The original plan was to have the monorail start at the airport, make stops on the east side of the Strip and end up downtown. Because of lack of funds and complaints from cab companies, only the part along the east side of the Strip was built.

Before starting any new billion-dollar programs, why not finish the monorail system first? It would be far less expensive and could be finished fairly quickly. Some resort companies on the west side of the Strip have trams connecting their properties. If all the hotels cooperated, a simple tram system could move people up and down that side of the resort corridor. These ideas should be tried before we spend billions digging up the Strip.



Sports coverage lacking

To the editor:

Once again, the Review-Journal has demonstrated how poor its Sports section is. Yearly, the writers follow UNLV, which is not a national powerhouse. Where are the rest of the national college sports results? In softball, the Women’s College World Series just ended, but there was nothing in the paper. In baseball, the playoffs are heading toward the College World Series, and again, nothing in the paper.

Seventy-five percent of the people in this town are from somewhere else, and they would like to know how their hometown teams are doing. How about admitting that UNLV is not the center of the college sports world and giving us some coverage of other teams?



Solar flare-up

To the editor:

To think that the Nevada Legislature would even consider something against the creation of clean energy via rooftop solar is frightening. The only entity that would gain from allowing NV Energy to limit or tax those who wish to create their own energy is Berkshire Hathaway (aka Warren Buffet). The losers are all of us who must live with the damage done in the creation of energy from fossil fuels.

Anybody who votes against those wishing to clean our environment should be doomed to no more terms in the Legislature.



LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.