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LETTER: Vote yes on Nevada’s equal rights amendment

In response to your editorial urging a “no” vote Question 1: A “yes” vote on Question 1 is a vote for equality, plain and simple.

Twenty-six states already have state-level equal rights amendments, and this in no way “uncharted legal territory.” Of course, no constitutional right is absolute, and things such as drinking or driving ages will remain in place because they are justified by the need for public safety. Those age-related arguments are fake news.

As many Nevadans know, our state has already ratified the federal ERA, but it is not yet finalized so there is no constitutional protection for the groups covered by Question 1 at the federal level and not at the state level. It is not duplicative.

The Nevada ERA is necessary because the patchwork legislation that exists to protect some of us is not permanent. It can come and go, depending on who is in office and whether they support or oppose equality. Question 1 provides that much-needed, permanent protection for all Nevadans. Vote yes.

— The writer president of the Nevada chapter of the National Organization for Women.