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Health district: West Nile-bearing mosquitoes found in valley

Mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus have been found in the Las Vegas Valley, the Southern Nevada Health District said Monday, and the agency suggested residents take basic precautions to avoid infection.

No humans in the valley have been infected this summer, according to the health district. In 2013, nine people in the Las Vegas area contracted the virus, and two died.

West Nile positive mosquitoes were collected in northwest, southwest and central valley ZIP codes — 89103, 89107, 89129, 89138 and 89149 — but are likely present throughout the area, the health district said.

Health district officials suggest using insect repellent that contains the chemical DEET and dumping out standing water, where mosquitoes breed. They also suggest wearing pants and long-sleeved shirts outdoors and staying inside at dusk and dawn mosquitoes are most active.

Mosquitoes pick up West Nile from birds and spread it to humans when they bite. It can’t be spread person to person.

Symptoms can include fever, headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting, swollen lymph glands or a rash on the chest, stomach and back.

Contact reporter Cassandra Taloma at ctaloma@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0381.

State calls on CCSD to pay for budget deficit

Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction Jhone Ebert said the district needs to cover costs before putting the pressure on principals.