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House budget

Twelve House Democrats jumped ship last week and joined 198 Republicans in opposing the budget plan formulated by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, et al. Unfortunately, the measure still passed, 216-210.

The budget blueprint, which will no doubt be tempered by the Senate, is a veritable candy store. More money for education, defense, Homeland Security and veterans programs. Average 6 percent spending hikes for all domestic federal agencies. All this and a promised surplus, too!

Of course, it’s all a crock.

Not only did the Democrats put off addressing the failing Social Security and Medicare programs, they believe they’ll have a lot more money to spend because they don’t plan on extending the Bush tax cuts in 2011.

In fact, those tax cuts helped create a flood of cash for the U.S. Treasury by creating incentives for investment and growth. To assume through static budgeting that repealing those incentives won’t have negative repercussions for the economy — and the Treasury — is plain ignorant.

It all boils down to this: By signaling their intent to let the Bush tax cuts expire, House Democrats have just voted to impose the largest tax hike in American history so they can shower the federal bureaucracy with more of your money.

So much for their devotion to fiscal responsibility.

IN RESPONSE: Ending fossil fuel use only way to move forward

Our burning of fossil fuels has weaponized our planet, and a fossil fuel-free future is the only one in which we can continue to enjoy the lifestyle we have thus far.