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Fuel tax would not be easily ‘passed through’

To the editor:

Freshman Assemblyman Bob Beers, R-Henderson, may have attended an economics class once, but he knows nothing about the trucking industry (Wednesday letter to the editor).

His assertion that the cost to the trucking industry from equalizing diesel fuel and gasoline taxes will be passed to the consumer is ridiculous. The Motor Carrier Act of 1980, signed by President Jimmy Carter, transformed the trucking industry from a regulated public utility with cost-based pricing to a vibrant engine of economic prosperity with total market-based pricing -- likely called "supply and demand" in Mr. Beers' economics class.

In fact, as a percentage of GDP, freight transportation costs are at historic lows, in no small part due to the productivity gains created by the trucking industry.

Pricing for trucking services is constantly in flux, determined by such things as driver shortages and the ordinary ebb and flow of goods -- think how many trucks are tied up moving produce (the groceries Mr. Beers admits are among the necessities delivered here by truck) during seasonal harvests that aren't available for other hauling.

Those others will pay more for service, if they can get it, because there is competition for limited hauling capacity. The end price of trucking service has little, if anything, to do with the level of one cost component or another -- including taxes.

For many reasons, the disparity between levels of taxation on one type of fuel over another is an appropriate issue for public debate -- and there are valid arguments on both sides. But would the trucking industry have opposed a tax that it could easily "pass through?"

Assemblyman Beers did not get high marks for his freshman year from legislative insiders in surveys reported in this newspaper. He would represent his constituents better if he took the time to fully understand one of the industries that affects their lives most before making these public pronouncements.





Win or pull out

To the editor:

I voted for George Bush for president, but it turns out he is the worst president since Jimmy Carter. He talks tough, but he isn't.

He and the Congress won't let the military fight the Iraq war the same way as the insurgents. My friends and I, all Vietnam vets or Vietnam-era vets, see three choices regarding this war:

1) Let the soldiers and Marines grease the insurgents whether they give up or not. They're doing that to us. But what happens if our guys fight the same way as the insurgents? They get court-martialed. Let the military do their job and keep all the politicians out of it.

2) Pull all the troops out of Baghdad and nuke the whole place. Sounds drastic? If they had the capability, they'd nuke us in a heartbeat. Everybody knows that. The Japanese were tough foes, but after they got nuked twice they gave in. Some people might think that's cruel, but what if it saved the life of your son or daughter or anybody else you hold dear?

3) We should just leave. If you are not going to get serious, then just get out. Otherwise we're not going anywhere -- this war could go on longer than the 'Nam did, easily.




Dereliction of duty

To the editor:

Americans no longer trust their government to do the right thing. The "immigration reform" debate has clearly displayed the anger of the average American citizen. However, that mainstream anger is not directed toward illegal aliens, but is focused on our government and its apparent lack of will to enforce the existing immigration laws.

The people will not accept the new "immigration reform" bill that, by its very size of 600-plus pages, shows itself to be yet another abomination of political special interests and flimflam.

The people are simply stunned at the ineptitude of their government. From unfunded entitlement programs such as Social Security to the bungling of the Hurricane Katrina relief programs to the disaster of our public school systems. And now, facing the crisis of having 12 to 20 million illegal aliens inside our border, our government has again failed the people.

What are the people to do?




Mexican invasion

To the editor:

Sixty-six years ago Japan criminally invaded this country and we appropriately declared war on them. They surrendered unconditionally when we reduced two of their major cites to ashes. Since some 20 million Mexicans have criminally invaded this country, perhaps it would be appropriate to declare war on Mexico.

Twenty million more of these invaders will follow once our politicians grant amnesty to the original group. And they will make our country their own. They will not assimilate into our ways and culture. Rather, they will retain their own language, customs and attitudes. That has clearly already begun. We need only read the signs and hear the messages in Spanish that are everywhere.

As they quickly produce generations of offspring, the process of making our country a Mexican state will accelerate exponentially. The end result will be the overthrow of our country and government as we know it.

Any attempt to overthrow the government is defined as treason. Therefore it appears perfectly appropriate to charge U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley and Sen. Harry Reid and others in the Congress with treason, since these politicians are bent on passing legislation that will assist these criminal invaders with the demise of our country.

Mexico has effectively already declared war on us. They not only have allowed their citizens to invade us, but they actively assist the invaders. The Mexican government distributes guidebooks that spell out the best ways to illegally enter the United States!

The Mexican government's invasion is no different than the Japanese invasion some 66 years ago. Instead of considering legislation that will result in the eventual destruction of this nation, it is time our Congress introduced legislation that gives Mexico an ultimatum -- and reminds that government how we handled the Japanese.



Raise gaming tax

To the editor:

Why is it that our esteemed politicians seem to be wringing their hands over revenue for public education, transportation and highway projects? Some have mentioned a state income tax. I'd like to mention an increase in the state gaming tax, which is now about 6.75 percent, the lowest in the nation. By comparison, New Jersey's rate is 13.5 percent, Illinois' is 20 percent and New Orleans' is 21 percent.

Former State Sen. Joe Neal, D-North Las Vegas, was the only politician to ever suggest raising the gaming tax, and as a result he is MIA. Will there ever be an elected official who will come forward with a mere suggestion of a gaming tax increase?




Good news

To the editor:

My heartfelt thanks go to Marine Lance Cpl. Dustin Sholl and the Review-Journal for the publication of such a positive article in the June 9 newspaper ("Iraq news not all bad, Marine says").

I was very much aware of the very good things our troops are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan from other sources. I pay no attention to the nightly news and the slanted articles in much of the written press.



LETTER: Time to ban wildlife killing contests in Nevada

Why should we allow the mass slaughter of any wildlife species? Is this any different than condoning random mass shootings of innocent people by a deranged individual or group?

LETTER: Those deceptive ads about Question 3

I don’t think the measure would win the popular vote if people really understood what it was all about.