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Hold a vote, Madame Speaker

Lawmakers are struggling to wrap up the 2007 session on time -- and now they have a major last-second bill to address.

On Thursday -- just days before the deadline for adjournment -- Assembly Minority Leader Garn Mabey, R-Las Vegas, agreed to introduce GOP Gov. Jim Gibbons' plan to fund transportation improvements.

"In my opinion, this is like giving the governor a car," said Mr. Mabey. "He has to put the gas in, make it run. It is his proposal."

That's quite an endorsement.

At any rate, the governor's plan -- in keeping with his vow not to impose any new taxes -- includes a controversial provision to funnel future growth in room tax revenues to state transportation infrastructure. It has, predictably, been met with vigorous opposition from many gaming and tourism officials.

It is indeed unfortunate that Gov. Gibbons waited until late in the session to present his proposal. But it is equally unfortunate that neither the Assembly nor the Senate over the past few months bothered to seriously address Nevada's $4 billion shortfall in highway project funding.

Despite the obvious urgency of the issue -- if lawmakers don't act this session or opt to push the matter onto the November 2008 ballot, the tab will increase quickly, as will gridlock in Southern Nevada -- some lawmakers lack enthusiasm for doing their jobs.

"It remains to be seen" whether the Legislature has time to pay sufficient attention to the governor's bill, Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, D-Las Vegas, said Thursday.

Nonsense. If lawmakers have the time to lard the budget with millions of dollars worth of pork projects as the session closes -- which, make no mistake, they will do -- they have time to hold an up-or-down vote on Gov. Gibbons' transportation proposal.

Take a vote, Madame Speaker. Get lawmakers on the record.

The taxpayers deserve as much.