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Bill deadline

Lawmakers enter the 10th week of the 2007 session today, with scores of bills expected to die by Friday.

Under legislative rules, Senate or Assembly committees must act on bills by Friday, or they will not be considered further unless tacked on to other measures that remain alive.

More than 270 proposals died in committee last session.

Thus, Nevadans will learn much this week about the priorities of those serving them in Carson City. Which bills move forward? Which are ignored?

For instance, pay particularly close attention to the fate of Senate Joint Resolution 7. It would amend the state constitution to implement many of the measures proposed in the Tax and Spending Control Initiative that the state Supreme Court tossed off the ballot last fall.

The proposal -- which would limit annual state spending increases to a combination of population growth and inflation -- was popular with voters. But high court justices never let Nevadans pass judgment on the issue.

The Senate Finance Committee is slated to take up SJR7 today. If the measure fails to move forward, we'll discover whether the state Senate represents the taxpayers or the public-sector bureaucracy.

IN RESPONSE: Ending fossil fuel use only way to move forward

Our burning of fossil fuels has weaponized our planet, and a fossil fuel-free future is the only one in which we can continue to enjoy the lifestyle we have thus far.