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3 things to watch for on Legislative Session Day 1

Today is the first day of the 2017 Legislative Session. Democrats control the Assembly, 27-15, and the Senate, 12-9. Governor Brian Sandoval is a Republican, however, and Democrats need two-third majorities to pass any tax increases or override a gubernatorial veto.

As the session begins, here are three things to watch for.

1. More details on Democrat’s legislative agenda. Democrat leaders have teased their legislative agenda, calling it the Nevada Blueprint, for weeks but have been holding back specifics. Expect Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson and Sen. Majority Leader Aaron Ford to share details on issues ranging from minimum wage increases, repealing Republican-passed reforms, and gimmicky legislation aimed at women.

2. To tax or not to tax. Some Democrats want another $1 billion tax increase for K-12 education. If Democrats are serious about new spending, they’ll need a way to pay for it. Expect the first week of the session to reveal if the tax talk is a serious effort or just rhetoric.

3. Enjoy the show. The first day of the Legislative Session isn’t going to be important policy wise. It’s a day to officially welcome lawmakers and enjoy the ceremonial aspects of state government.

Contact Victor Joecks at vjoecks@reviewjournal.com. Follow @victorjoecks on Twitter.