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COMMENTARY: Donald Trump must be bold when it comes to Obamacare repeal

I have an important message for President Trump and the Republican Congress. Study the lesson of the Nevada GOP.

Obamacare is a vampire. A werewolf. You either kill it, or it kills you.

Did you see the news of 1.3 percent GDP in first quarter? It’s getting worse. No one has any money. There’s nothing out there. It’s a vast wasteland. Obamacare has sucked the life out of the U.S. economy. It has sucked consumers dry.

There is no compromising. The twin disasters of Obamacare taxes and the Obamacare price increases are murdering the middle class. They both have to go now. Or the economy will continue to decline — or collapse.

The lesson here is: don’t compromise or “moderate.” Don’t play around the edges. Either you go the “Full Monty” or just lose. Period. You can’t be partly pregnant. As soon as Republicans try to be Democrat-lite, they lose.

That’s the lesson of Nevada.

In 2014 Nevada Republicans campaigned on the foundation of smaller government and lower taxes. That message produced the greatest GOP results in modern Nevada history. The party controlled every lever of Nevada government.

Then our Republican governor and GOP Legislature handed us the largest tax increase in history. They even said it was “for the kids” — just like Democrats always do. But it’s never “for the kids.” It’s for teachers unions and pensions. The kids never get a thing.

The result of raising taxes? The same GOP that swept every office and owned every level of government in 2014, lost everything in 2016.

Democrats now control the Legislature in Nevada. And they are up in Carson City proposing the most radical basket of out-of-touch, insane bills in history. They are so far left, they are touching Karl Marx. They are out of touch with reality. The Equal Rights Amendment? That failed 40 years ago. Sanctuary state? Wow. What else can the little children dream up while mommy and daddy are away?

Reagan won the presidency by being an un-apologetic conservative. But wishy-washy moderates such as Gerald Ford, Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney all lost.

Meanwhile Trump won, while sticking to his guns, and supposedly offending the world. He didn’t listen to the media or liberals. He didn’t water down what he believed in. He didn’t play it safe.

So my advice to President Trump regarding Obamacare is simple: Be Trump-like. Don’t listen to lobbyists, consultants, pollsters, liberals, the media, or establishment Republicans. None of them knows anything, or they’d be president, not you.

Don’t fool around the edges. Don’t worry about what Democrat voters say — they didn’t vote for you and never will. You can never make them happy. Worry about small businessmen and women. Almost all of them voted for you. Obamacare has devastated their businesses. Worry about middle class voters in Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. They elected you. They desperately need your help. Obamacare has wrecked their lives.

Treat Obamacare the same way you treated your presidential campaign. Be bold.

But if you choose to play it safe and water it down, you will lose the greatest opportunity in history for Republicans to dominate national politics and change Washington, D.C., forever.

Don’t play it safe. Don’t moderate. Be bold. Go for it. Or you’ll wind up neutered like the Nevada GOP.

Wayne Allyn Root (Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com) is a best-selling author and host of “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now. His R-J column runs Thursday and Sunday.

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