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Angel Park Golf Club restaurant, 100 S. Rampart Blvd., received 20 demerits March 18. Violations included expired milk. GRADE: B

Vine Robles Red

Wine: Vine Robles Red

Elusive chocolate soda found at Smith’s

One of the most sought-after — and elusive — items in the Taste of the Town column year after year is Canfield’s Diet Chocolate Fudge soda, most recently requested by Barbara Metzger and Phyllis Friedman.

Make or buy wasabi mayonnaise

For Joan Basil, who’s looking for wasabi mayonnaise, readers were nearly unanimous in their responses: Trader Joe’s, which has numerous locations in the valley and was recommended by Roberta Shulman, June Shook, Jennie Cicala, Natalie Tantleff, Diane Williams and Jayne Boone.

CineVegas develops independent streak

The 2009 CineVegas film festival declares its “independents” with a lineup of world premieres that will bow at the 11th annual film festival, to take place June 10-15 at the Palms’ Brenden Theatres.


Baidu China Bistro, 7625 S. Rainbow Blvd., received 19 demerits March 3. Violations included food thawing at room temperature. GRADE: B

Coffee Wars

At 6:20 on a recent weekday morning, Keith Sturm and Ron Strauch stopped for coffee. For Sturm, it would be a mix of cappuccino and Fusion Energy Coffee, which is infused with herbal extracts said to kick-start the day. For Strauch, it would be pure energy coffee.

Readers divided on flavored syrup

In regard to coffee-flavored syrup — being sought by reader Martha Flynn — it seems there are a couple of schools of thought.

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