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Show & Tell: Meet Betsy Lucas of Nevada Ballet Theatre

Meet Betsy Lucas

Nevada Ballet Theatre

Hometown: Hillsboro, Ore.

Age: 23

Started taking ballet lessons at age 4. … First performance, also at age 4: a snowflake in “The Nutcracker.” … Inspiration: her aunt, who also was a ballet dancer. … Decided to pursue a career in ballet in sixth grade after attending an intensive six-week-long summer program. … Studied for several years at the School of Oregon Ballet Theatre. … In her fourth season with Nevada Ballet Theatre. … Favorite NBT roles so far: “Blue Shoes” and George Balanchine’s “Concerto Barocco.” … Danced the role of Clara in last year’s NBT production of “The Nutcracker.” … During next weekend’s NBT performances, will dance the roles of Cygnus in “Swan Lake Act II” and Lilac Fairy Attendant in “Sleeping Beauty Act III.” … Favorite role she hasn’t yet danced: Balanchine’s “Tarantella” (“It means ‘dance of the spider’ and it just seems like the funnest ballet you could do!” … Possible postdance career: Teaching or interior decorating.

On ballet’s appeal as a kid (and now):

“I thought it was just so beautiful, so pretty. I was a girly girl, so I guess everything about it was so beautiful. But at the same time, it’s very athletic, and I liked that part, too. (Laughs) It was kind of deceiving in a way. You think, ‘Oh, so pretty,’ but it took a lot of strength.”