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Monkey exhibit to help visitors’ math and science prowess evolve

Children’s favorite monkey is set to make his way to the Lied Discovery Children’s Museum this month with the “Curious George: Let’s Get Curious!” exhibit slated to be on display through May 13.

Karen Avenue namesake not as locally known as her father

The history behind Karen Avenue in Paradise and downtown Las Vegas is a mystery to some people.
In fact, little information about its namesake, Karen Sutton, is found in local history books and documents other than that she was a runner for George Foley Sr.’s law office.

Education notebook

Summerlin singer plans love-themed concert

Rising talent Ashton Zyer plans to present “Love and Other Obsessions” at Summerlin Library’s Performing Arts Center Saturday.

A la carte


Book Briefs, Feb. 7

Book Boutique to reopen today

Literary Las Vegas: Peter Magliocco

In addition to spending more than 20 years championing the poetry of others in the limited-run lit-zine Art:Mag, Las Vegas resident Peter Magliocco has written plenty of poetry of his own. Ninety-eight of his poems and a collection of sketches are collected in the book “Ex Literotica.”

Nearby town of Chloride gives a glance back in time

The last echo of a mining boom died long ago in this old village in Northern Arizona, yet it’s no ghost town, still boasting roughly 250 residents. But it’s not your stereotypical small town either, for individualism runs rampant, and there’s even some important public art here.


Exhibits lined up for First Friday

First Friday, a monthly arts festival featuring visual and performance art, food and activities, is scheduled from 5 to 11 p.m. Friday in the 18b Arts District downtown and along East Fremont Street.

Battling parents should not put kids in line of fire

My parents are getting a divorce, and I’m really upset. I’m a junior at (a local high school). I have good friends, and I’m an honor roll student. My sister and I don’t know who to believe. My mom says it’s my dad who wants the divorce. My dad says she wants the divorce. My dad moved out. We hear my mom arguing with him on the phone, then she just cries. I love my parents, but I wish they’d fix this or get a divorce and leave each other alone. But we’re tired of hearing them fight and then watching my mom cry. What can we do? — N.W., Las Vegas

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