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Neighborhood Crime Map

n Time period March 28-April 3 n Areas: ZIP codes 89101, 89104, 89106 and 89107.

Area briefing

The Metropolitan Police Department’s sex offender apprehension program encourages all Southern Nevada residents to take advantage of the offender watch system.

‘High Noon’ on display

Brian Henry’s artwork was punched on national television during a preview for MTV’s “The Real World” in Las Vegas. That same piece hangs in Henry’s “High Noon” exhibit at Kleven Contemporary, 520 E. Fremont St., inside Emergency Arts, through May 28.

Senior Tripsters go on a close encounter to alien country

A group of 50 seniors made the nearly three-hour trek to Rachel March 31, as part of an excursion with Senior Tripsters, Inc., 451 E. Bonanza Road, a downtown Las Vegas nonprofit that organizes trips around the globe for the gray-haired but young at heart.

Pests are price to pay for using wood mulch

Question: Following your advice, I am planning to replace all of the stone mulch under and around the shrubs in my yard and use bark mulch, which attracts roaches, I am told.


Brady C. Fackrell, 14, has achieved Eagle Scout status in the Boy Scouts of America.

Tell us about your father

Do you have the most wonderful father in town? Tell us what makes your dad great in 200 words or fewer. Photos or drawings are welcome, too, but they cannot be returned. We’ll print excerpts from the top submissions in our June 14 edition. Send submissions by mail to Honoring Fathers: View, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125-0070 or by email to viewcalendars@viewnews.com with Honoring Fathers in the subject line. Please include your ZIP code and contact information. The deadline for submissions is May 23.

Take Me home

I am a timeless beauty with a cheery, sunny nature. But at 11 years of age, many people dismiss me outright, and all I want is someone I can love with all my heart. I am Sheba, a bright-eyed Pomeranian, spayed, and delightful with people and dogs.

Letters to the editor