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Leaders from both parties push caucus agendas for Nevada Legislature

Legislative Democrats rolled out their updated “Nevada Blueprint” on Thursday outlining their priorities for the 2017 session, while Assembly Republicans released their own list of objectives.

Plan to change Nevada open records law met with resistance

A bill proposed to categorize and make it easier to identify exemptions to public records disclosure was met with confusion and suspicion by members of the Assembly Government Affairs Committee.

Some Nevada cities could go all-mail for municipal elections

The U.S. Postal Service may be getting more business in election season. Major cities in Southern Nevada could conduct municipal elections entirely by mail-in ballots if Senate Bill 93 becomes law.

Nevada school turnaround program needs more time to evaluate

Funding for the statewide school turnaround program should continue but warrants further analysis, the only one of seven education initiatives recommended for monitoring in a study presented to the Nevada Assembly education committee.

NV Energy CEO: Residential power bills have lowered from 10 years ago

NV Energy President and CEO Paul Caudill told a panel of lawmakers studying energy issues on Wednesday that residential power bills in Southern Nevada are lower in January of this year than they were a decade ago.

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