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Another proud moment for Congress

To the editor:

The Senate and House confronted the "must pass" economic bailout bill with their usual blusterous and self-aggrandizing manner. The Senate bill took 451 pages to provide certain funds, state procedures and safeguards (of which there have been no details provided to the average taxpayer) and of course numerous add-ons to satisfy the lobbyist and campaign-contributing constituency in the form of additional appropriations totally unrelated to the sole purpose of the legislation.

The "must pass" bill was loaded with fiscal items that would never pass on individual merit. In the name of expedience and salvaging the economy, both the Senate and the House moved in the usual direction that suggests the only value of their pocket-size copies of the U.S. Constitution is to use the margins for doodles and notes.

We should all be very pleased with and proud of our congressional representation. I'm just about ready to make a down payment on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Robert S. Tobias


Not funny

To the editor:

The claims by the Democrats that they had nothing to do with the current economic crisis would be hilarious if it weren't for the fact that half of the people in this country actually believe them.

Sam Long


More lipstick

To the editor:

In response to the continued attacks on Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin:

What's the difference between a jealous liberal feminist and a male chauvinist pig? Lipstick.

Lynn Muzzy


Justice is done

To the editor:

He looks so forlorn. His sister weeps at the verdict ("O.J. Simpson guilty," Saturday Review-Journal).

His lawyers speak with scorn in their voices about a jury with a "lynch mob mentality" and one "seeking revenge," in so many words calling it a hatchet job performed on their client.

This pillar of humanity is now physically separated from family and loved ones by virtue of a guilty verdict that will likely put him behind bars for many years.

Justice cuts both ways. I offer that as consolation.

Bryce Martin


Karma's a bear

To the editor:

O.J. Simpson has finally been convicted of a serious crime. Well, better late than never. Justice has finally been served.

If this isn't poetic justice, I don't know what is.

But I do know what "O.J." really stands for: "On to Jail."

Kenneth L. Zimmerman


Juiced verdict

To the editor:

I first moved to Las Vegas in 1966. I lived there for 32 of the next 42 years. I finally left for good in 2007. Thank God I did.

I always believed justice was blind and supposedly fair. Following a Las Vegas jury's verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial, that basic belief has died.

Don't get me wrong. I believe as strongly as the next person that Simpson was guilty of murder and got away with it. That was not right and was not supposed to happen.

But much worse than that is the Las Vegas justice system's outrageous prosecution of a simple breaking and entering and perhaps a wrongful assault, and piling on every additional charge their imaginations could conjur up. This is so blatantly an attempt to punish Simpson for the murders that a second-grader can see through that. Sure, the prosecuters, police and jurors got O.J., but at what price? The death of the "justice is blind" principle that is the foundation of our country?

All Las Vegans should hang their heads in shame. And I do thank God that I am no longer a part of your vindictive society.

This is a sad day for our legal system.

Conrad Krebs


Well done

To the editor:

I watched the O.J. Simpson trial from start to finish and am of the opinion that the prosecution, the judge, and especially the jurors did an outstanding job under intense scrutiny.

Wayne Riggs


Blame game

To the editor:

O.J. Simpson's defense attorneys are much like losing football coaches: they make excuses for their failure, they whine and they blame everyone but themselves for losing.

Simpson was found guilty of robbery, kidnapping and other charges Friday because he deliberately and arrogantly, broke the law -- and got caught. It had nothing to do with his murder case 13 years ago. His defense attorneys are in denial of the truth, but they can cry all the way to the bank with Simpson's money.