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Henderson needs a full-time top cop

To the editor:

I was a bit dismayed by Henderson Police Chief Richard Perkins' decision to have a political "side businesses" in addition to his main job (Tuesday Review-Journal). Currently, the Henderson Police Department is one of the best law enforcement departments in the United States -- with much of that success due to Mr. Perkins' efforts. As you may remember, Mr. Perkins replaced Alan Kerstein, who came from Los Angeles and was a dismal failure.

Unfortunately, like many government employees in important positions of trust, it appears Mr. Perkins now feels the need to start an outside "consulting" business. I, for one, cannot see the need to supplement a great career that pays about $150,000 a year plus benefits. Nor can I see where Mr. Perkins would get the time and still be effective as police chief.

Why can't Mr. Perkins simply finish his tour of duty, retire honorably and then, if the world of politics still beckons, jump in with both feet? This way he won't have to compromise his integrity.

Henderson citizens deserve a professional, full-time head cop, which Mr. Perkins currently is. I hope he will avoid the appearance of impropriety and the potential conflicts of interest that such a "consulting side job" would present.

Ron Moers



Toll roads

To the editor:

We in the West are so used to freeways that we forget -- unless we drive back East -- that many of the roads around Chicago are such that you stop every few miles to throw change into a bucket at a booth. Or we forget that there's the New York Thruway, the Massachusetts Turnpike, and -- the granddaddy of them all -- the Pennsylvania Turnpike. All cost money to use.

But New Hampshire has a system that would work here in some places, such as where the new Hoover Dam bypass bridge is going up. If you drive Interstate 95 from Massachusetts to Maine, every car pays a few dollars to get by the toll booths (there's an alternative, slower route you can take for free).

For Boulder City, which wants to build a bypass highway -- and for commuters who decide to live in new communities that will begin to go up along the way to Kingman and want a faster trip into the Las Vegas Valley -- this sounds to me like a win-win situation.

George Appleton



White flag

To the editor:

In his April 8 column, Geoff Schumacher praised Sen. Harry Reid for getting "after President Bush last week over the ever-darkening Iraq morass." These accolades are completely undeserved. Our Congress, with Sen. Reid in the lead, is working on legislation that is tantamount to surrender in Iraq.

It is heart-sickening to see Congress trying to pass legislation dictating to our military commanders when we shall evacuate our troops from Iraq. Surely some of our congressional representatives are trying to do the right thing in pulling our troops out of the shooting gallery that Iraq has become. But as an old soldier, all I can think of is how this legislation looks and feels to our people who have been in the fight or are still enduring the struggle in Iraq.

Is there, in the history of warfare, another instance of a retreat date announced months and months in advance? The House bill requires a pullout as early as July 1 if our president cannot certify progress in reducing Iraqi violence. Well that is a no-brainer for the insurgents, who just have to step up their destructive efforts in June and then watch the Americans retreat in July. I hope our president vetoes this bill which really prescribes surrender and makes meaningless all the sacrifices made by the coalition forces and the Iraqi people.

Mr. Schumacher suggests that Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., is all wet when he says we should all get out of the way and let the generals run the war. That seems "damn straight" to me. I have doubts that the current surge in forces and change in tactics will work. But I sure would like to see it given about six months. In the meantime Sen. Reid should be quiet and quit waving the white flag.

Richard N. Fulton



Renegade Iran

To the editor:

I'm sick and tired of hearing about how the British marines and sailors recently released by Iran did not behave properly when in captivity. They knew that no one would come to their aid or threaten Iran with serious consequences if they were not released. They were on their own, and they knew it.

The United Nations refused to do anything useful, the European Union would not even consider meaningful economic sanctions that would cripple Iran, and forget about NATO.

Iran has confirmed that they can do anything they want to and have the West groveling at their feet. This does not bode well for the future. Expect more Iranian interference and disruption in Iraq and in the whole region in general. And we are in for a bunch of fun when Iran gets nuclear weapons.

James Moldenhauer


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