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I hope he’s a great president

Two wrongs don't make a right.

That's my advice to the 55,821,650 good Americans who voted for president ... and wound up on the short end of the stick.

For better or worse, the next president of the United States will be Barack Obama and I, for one, not only hope he'll be a good a president, I pray he will be a great president.

He needs to be.

I suspect there are many who feel more than a little sore about the treatment George W. Bush received as president. Sans a brief period after 9/11, angry Democrats who felt cheated after the 2000 election -- marred by hanging chads in Florida -- demonized President Bush for political gain.

Their attacks were unfair, relentless and calculated to sow political power on the other side of the aisle.

As tempting as it may be to return the favor, I say it's time for that kind of hate-filled politics to end. While we may have differences, we now go forward together (as we do after all big changes in national elections) into the unknown future. It is only good and right for us to give the new president the benefit of the doubt and as much support as our ideological differences will allow as he grapples with the economy and the war on terrorism.

Now I wouldn't be honest if I didn't add that I hope like hell President Obama will govern from the middle-right. For me that means lengthening the ladder of economic opportunity, not shortening it; creating a fair tax structure that rewards hard work and success for all, not just certain classes; and, of course, honoring the sacrifices already made in the war on terror by winning the war on terror.

I heard bits and pieces of rhetoric from candidate Obama that lead me to think he might -- just might -- find his way to be that kind of president.

I'll be rooting so.

Historic event

All good citizens, regardless of politics, should feel a sense of pride knowing the 44th president of the United States will be a black man. In the coming year we and the world will be treated to the images of Barack, Michelle and their two beautiful children gracing the White House grounds, conducting this country's business, hosting foreign dignitaries and celebrating national traditions.

It's going to be a wonderful sight to behold and a testament to the world that America is still a very special experiment in human dignity.

The economic storm

In Nevada, the Obama effect made it a bad year to be a Republican. Consequently, two good state senators in Joe Heck and Bob Beers lost to lesser opponents. Also, Dina Titus thumped incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Jon Porter.

No doubt some Nevada Taxocrats champ at the bit to expand government. I'd suggest they think more about how to hold the line on services using existing revenue. Next year shapes up for Nevada to be one of the worst economic periods in a long, long time. It's no time to pile on new tax burdens as a first resort.

On a personal note

The Boy Scouts honored me last week at a very nice luncheon at the Red Rock Resort. It was a nice affair. Lots of people came. Money was raised. A good thing.

A highlight for me came in meeting Tiger Cub Scout Logan Kapua. He led the lunch crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance, did a few other things around the podium and otherwise stole the show. Logan is not only a cute kiddo; he's also a hero.

You see, he had recently learned to swim when one day he found his brother drowning in the deep end of a backyard pool. Logan jumped in the water and saved his brother's life.

I received the "Good Scout Award" that day, but the real-life "Good Scout" was Logan. I managed to get my picture taken with him, however. I was proud to be in his company.

Sherman Frederick (sfrederick@review journal.com) is publisher of the Review-Journal and president of Stephens Media.

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