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Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Review-Journal editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and a three-time winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Award.

CARTOON: Disturbing pattern

The Moscow-area car bombing resurrects suspicions of Putin and the country’s agency intelligence involvement in the Russian apartment bombings in 1999.

CARTOON: Bad deal

The Inflation Reduction Act trades investments in medical innovation and life-saving cures for a few cheap prescriptions and expensive, subsidized green energy.

CARTOON: Get out of jail free!

While the Los Angeles district attorney survived a recall effort, many residents of cities with liberal prosecutors are barely surviving their disastrous policies.

CARTOON: Typical Democrat

President Biden signs the big government, tax and spending law disguised as the Inflation Reduction Act.

CARTOON: Getting dry

Sixty-two days have passed since the federal government asked states to come up with a plan to protect water levels on Lake Mead and Lake Powell.

CARTOON: Sleight of hand

President Biden signs the Inflation Reduction Act, which increases taxes, spending and the number of IRS agents but does not reduce inflation.

CARTOON: Paying the price

Polls showing Rep. Liz Cheney trailing her primary opponent for telling the truth reveal the sad state of a Republican Party that elevates politics above principle.

CARTOON: Mission creep?

With new threats posed by China and Russia, the U.S. military should focus more on military preparedness and peace through strength rather than “woke” training.

CARTOON: Deep State?

The Department of Justice better have good cause for the unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.

CARTOON: Blowing a winning hand?

Trump anointed conspiratorialists and election deniers threaten to undermine GOP election prospects in November.

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