Despite agreeing to a 12-hour cease-fire, Russia continues its bombing of civilian targets, destroying a maternity and children’s hospital in southern Ukraine.
Michael Ramirez
Review-Journal editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and a three-time winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Award.
The United States and Britain announce a ban on Russian oil while the European Union’s dependence on Russian energy allows it to go only so far.
Frustrated Russian forces target civilian areas and residential buildings in the brutal illegal invasion of Ukraine.
The International Criminal Court opens up a war crimes investigation of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.
Any revenue Russia gets from energy sales goes to financing the invasion of Ukraine.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy refused to condemn two GOP reps after they appeared at a white nationalist event where attendees chanted support for Putin.
In his State of the Union address, Joe Biden promised more of the same reckless spending and government overreach.
If you’re too stupid to have an intelligent and civil discussion, perhaps you should stay out of politics.
The brutal attack and the targeting of civilians in the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine makes Vladimir Putin a war criminal.
Review-Journal editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and a three-time winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Award.
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and setting up puppet regimes follows in the footsteps of Stalin’s Soviet expansionism.
Weakness from the U.S. and Europe helped pave the way for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Biden should blame his policies, not Big Oil for high gas prices.
Russian President Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine and orders Russian troops to perform “peacekeeping” operations.
The left just lost in San Francisco.