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Thank goodness for the 22nd Amendment

President Barack Obama’s Tuesday night address to Congress was less about the state of the union than the state of the presidency. And the state of this presidency is spent.

What hath MGM wrought?

The End of Days is upon us! And we have our good friends at MGM Resorts International to thank.

Calling a foul in Clinton-Sanders primary fight

To begin with, let me say that I’m not to be numbered among those fans of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders who, by virtue of that position, necessarily distrust or despise former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

ESA ruling wise, but far from final

No one expressed much surprise at Monday’s news that a Carson City judge had issued an injunction blocking Nevada’s new education savings account law from going into effect.

Iran defies Obama, but pays no price

If you’re going to engage in a foreign policy capitulation, might as well do it when everyone is getting tanked and otherwise occupied. Say, New Year’s Eve.

Republican titans battle over ESA strategy

Let’s be sure we have this correct. Attorney General Adam Laxalt is a Republican. So is Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison and state Treasurer Dan Schwartz.

Nevada could play an even bigger role in prez pick than we thought

Everyone knows former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for president, right? But Nevada Democrats are talking about a scenario in which the Silver State plays an even more critical role in deciding the Democratic contest than previously thought.

Not prosecuting lawbreakers leads to more crime

There are many reasons why the ongoing armed standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon happened. Chief among them: the federal government’s inaction since the last standoff with armed insurrectionists, near Bunkerville in 2014.

SpaceX takes giant leap for mankind

Fractured and divided as we are, on one thing we can agree: 2015 was a miserable year. The only cheer was provided by Lincoln Chafee and the Pluto flyby (two separate phenomena), as well as one seminal aeronautical breakthrough.

This holiday season, live and let eat

When the federal government’s 1980 “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” warned about the baleful effects of saturated fats, public interest activists joined the fight and managed to persuade major food companies to switch to the shiny new alternative: trans fats.

Paris climate pact another Obama deal full of hot air

On Dec. 12, President Barack Obama gained the second jewel in his foreign policy triple crown: the Paris climate accord. It follows his Iran nuclear deal and awaits but the closing of Guantanamo to complete his glittering legacy.

Slow going for Nevada lawmakers in Carson City

So much for the one-day special session. It only took a day in 2013 for the Nevada Legislature and Gov. Brian Sandoval to introduce, debate, pass and sign into law a bill regulating online poker.

Last-minute resolution can’t fix ESA problems

Oh, that Nevada Legislature. They are a slippery bunch. Moments after finishing up a special session to approve tax breaks for an electric car company, state Senate Republicans slipped a surprise concurrent resolution onto the agenda before adjourning.

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