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Bombast aside, Trump’s not wrong on everything

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump came to town Thursday, insulted most of his rivals, bashed the media, called the current crop of American leaders incompetent and promised to make America great again. Again.

In other words, the Full Trump.Trump's passion and enthusiasm for talking about himself is a spectacle that almost rivals "Mystere," the show that usually plays in the Treasure Island theater where he gave his remarks. And much like Cirque du Soleil, Trump noted his act has been a long-running success, at least in the relative lifespan of a political campaign.

Much of the coverage of Trump focuses on his bombast, his outrageousness or the mystery of how he'll repeal the Affordable Care Act yet still provide people with health insurance at lower costs.

But that coverage might be missing something: Trump's actually right on some issues. Whether by design (less likely) or accident (more likely), Trump has taken some stances that actually might be good for America. Ironically, they're the very things that make conservatives abjure Trump as alien to their movement.

— Single-payer health care works in Canada. When Trump said that during the very first Republican debate, there were several seconds of shocked silence. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., finally stammered that the Republican Party had been fighting the idea of single-payer health care for decades. But Trump didn't back down — does he ever? — although he hasn't repeated the phrase since. And if single-payer is his preferred health care plan, he hasn't said so.

— The Iraq War was a big mistake. It's a common belief now, since the primary justifications for the war — to end a fictional weapons of mass destruction program and/or to foster democracy in the Middle East — have fallen flat. But Trump says he was against the war at the time, a claim that certainly can't be made by many of the other candidates, including Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, who voted for the conflict as a U.S. senator.

Trump's remarks on the war led former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to his biggest gaffe of the last debate, declaring flatly that his brother George W. Bush had kept America safe. Every day after Sept. 11, that is.

— We should reform the tax code. Trump's own personal wealth allows him to finance his own campaign, and thus he can afford to annoy the donor class. His call for higher taxes on Wall Street hedge fund managers is something other candidates hungry for campaign cash couldn't say, even if they believed it. (To be sure, only Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks in eager terms about raising taxes on the wealthy.)

Trump's tax reform plan — although hardly what you'd call progressive — still would see wealthier people pay more by eliminating deductions. His four-bracket tax system tops out at 25 percent for incomes of $150,000 (single) and $300,000 (married) or more, but it still embraces the idea of progressive taxation. In the modern Republican Party, that apparently makes Trump a moderate.

— Rich donors own candidates. Of all of the truths Trump has claimed to tell, this one cuts the deepest: There is no such thing as a big donation that doesn't come with strings attached. Sometimes, those strings are benign (like how Trump said he forced Hillary Clinton to attend one of his weddings). But usually, they are not. And that goes for every office in the land, from Congress to City Council.

Trump's insider position as a former political donor puts him in a unique place to reveal the secrets of this particularly filthy temple in a way no one else can. And nothing else he's said has been as embarrassing to the rest of the field.

Say what you will about Trump's style, his facile promises or his sloganeering, but every once in awhile, he says something that's absolutely true.

— Steve Sebelius is a Las Vegas Review-Journal political columnist. Follow him on Twitter (@SteveSebelius) or reach him at 702-387-5276 or ssebelius@reviewjournal.com.

STEVE SEBELIUS: Back off, New Hampshire!

Despite a change made by the Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire is insisting on keeping its first-in-the-nation presidential primary, and even cementing it into the state constitution.