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Steve Sebelius

On immigration reform, Joe Heck walks, talks straight line

Rep. Joe Heck can sure draw a crowd. The Republican congressman packed the house at the monthly breakfast meeting of Hispanics in Politics this week, and there wasn’t much question why: People wanted to hear about immigration reform.

Maybe we could sell subscriptions to support police?

If there’s a worse way to supplement Clark County police budgets than the More Cops sales tax approach, we’d be hard-pressed to find it.

STEVE SEBELIUS: Gov. Veto? Not quite

Gov. Brian Sandoval has always benefitted by comparisons to his predecessor.

Settlement may end NLV case with a whimper

When last we checked in with the financially strapped city of North Las Vegas in 2012, it was suspending collective bargaining agreements with public safety agencies under a highly questionable interpretation of state law that was ripe for overturning by the courts.

Will Las Vegas take a stand in this revolution?

Las Vegas City Manager Betsy Fretwell says Las Vegas has the potential to be a “sleeper city,” that is, one that surprises the rest of the country and the world with its innovation and industry.

Is this a veto message or a talk radio script?

The objections lodged by Gov. Brian Sandoval to a bill that would have required background checks for gun sales between private parties are notable primarily because they’re mostly wrong.

Legislature’s best of the best

I knew from the start state Sen. Mark Hutchison, R-Las Vegas, was going to be a good lawmaker. You could tell from his campaign: earnest, respectful and policy-driven.

A special session? Who saw that coming?

The 2013 Legislature ended the way most sessions do: With an unnecessary, entirely predictable special session to finish the work left undone by the constitutional midnight deadline.

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