The last-gasp tools of American leverage.
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Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of “The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won,” from Basic Books. You can reach him by e-mailing His columns appears Sundays in the Review-Journal.
The United States must be respected again and not considered an easy mark.
The left is still hammering away at the trivial and irrelevant — and remains paralyzed in furor and hysterics. Many Americans have had enough.
In his now accustomed weird mix of whispering and fiery shouting, Joe Biden apparently felt he had to lie or mislead about almost every one of his “achievements.”
Both are in crisis and need radical new thinking.
Eighty years ago, Germany’s former conquerors rejected wrecking the defeated nation as too harsh. Now Germany is pastoralizing, disarming, deindustrializing — and destroying — itself.
In the weeks before the 2016 Trump Electoral College victory, Donald Trump was polling between 35 and 40 percent.
The White House has only fueled speculations and occasional conspiracy theories.
But by the time Harris lost the election, voters had tuned out a nagging and patronizing Obama — and his stale, now-dated hope-and-changey boilerplate speeches.
Voters want novel approaches to reform a government that they not only no longer trust but also now deeply fear.
A Gallup poll taken this year found that only 36 percent of Americans polled either expressed “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in higher education — once the agreed-on touchstone to upward mobility.
The country no longer must apologize incessantly for its past or present but can move on — content that it need not be perfect to be better than all the alternatives.
Trump must remind Americans only by periodically deterring enemies can he prevent endless wars.
For months it was widely reported, albeit grudgingly, that there were large defections in Hispanic and African American voters from Harris.
The election will not be decided on these empty talking points or fake media-generated narratives.