Gov. Steve Sisolak’s lockdown orders have been unconstitutionally discriminatory against places of worship.
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Victor Joecks
Victor Joecks’ column appears in the Opinion section each Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Follow @victorjoecks on Twitter.
Proponents of extended lockdowns frequently wield “science” as a trump card to justify their actions. But science can’t determine when it’s time to reopen.
President Donald Trump is right. What’s happening in Nevada is an open invitation to voter fraud.
According to Gov. Steve Sisolak’s own standards, Nevada is on track to begin Phase 2 on Saturday.
It’s so annoying when reality gets in the way of a good doomsday prediction.
Even a global pandemic that’s gutting city tax revenues won’t stop Henderson from giving $42 million to a minor league hockey arena.
Dan Schwartz can’t or won’t produce evidence backing up dubious his claim that Dan Rodimer was arrested three times.
Two years later, it’s obvious why unions were so opposed to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus ruling.
On this Mother’s Day, I want to recognize you — the moms the world may not know about, but who are and always will be mothers.
By his own standard, Gov. Steve Sisolak is prioritizing making money over the lives of Nevadans.
The policies of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo were likely responsible for thousands of coronavirus deaths. You wouldn’t know it from the media’s coverage of his response.
Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto is in the running to be Joe Biden’s running mate. She’s unwilling so far, however, to say she believes that he didn’t sexually assault Tara Reade.
Gov. Steve Sisolak keeps prioritizing his personal publicity over keeping Nevadans informed.
Gov. Steve Sisolak has yet to articulate a plan to free Nevada from its coronavirus lockdown.
Tens of thousands of elementary school students weren’t going to be reading on grade level — before losing two months of instruction.