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COMMENTARY: Effort to tar Donald Trump supporters is way off base

I’m going to tackle the 10-ton elephant in the room. Charlottesville. What a disgrace. What a tragedy.

But what the hell does it have to do with President Donald Trump? The answer is nothing.

As a card-carrying S.O.B. (son of a butcher), I have a unique understanding of butchers, bakers and candlestick makers. I grew up in a blue-collar New York neighborhood of cops, firemen, nurses, mechanics and small-business owners.

I love the middle class and small-business owners (who are America’s upper middle class). I understand them. I understand how important they are to the U.S. economy.

Pew Research reports the American middle class comprises four groups, and all of them are predominantly white.

I wrote a 2016 book that explained in detail why the middle class overwhelmingly supported Trump. It was titled “Angry White Male” simply because the American middle class is primarily white. And as a kid who grew up white, male and middle class, I have a unique understanding of the hopes, dreams and fears of that specific group.

Trump voters are not racist. I was opening speaker at all six Donald Trump campaign events in Las Vegas. I never saw or heard one instance of racism at any Trump event … nor at any of the hundreds of tea party events that I spoke at across America from 2009 to 2015.

The anger of white, middle-class Trump voters has nothing to do with racism … and everything to do with economics. It’s about financial survival, not race. The middle class is being targeted for extinction. It is being persecuted and wiped off the face of the Earth by liberal/progressive/socialist economic policies.

The middle class and small-business owners are not concerned with the color of anyone’s skin. They are concerned with big taxes, big regulations, big government, illegal immigration and using Obamacare, climate change and government agencies such as the EPA and the IRS to kill our jobs and redistribute our hard-earned income. Those are the reasons middle class voters are angry. Those are the reasons 63 million Americans chose Donald Trump. Not race.

We know liberal big-government policies are destroying our jobs, incomes, assets, opportunity and mobility. We know liberal, big-government policies are killing the American Dream. We see that our kids are being left behind. And we know giving government more power and money will make it worse.

We are screaming for help. We voted for Donald Trump out of self-defense.

But the groups marching in Charlottesville last weekend were not Republican, conservative or “Trump voters.”

They were KKK white extremists. Those kinds of people are nut cases. As my butcher dad would say, “They have a screw loose.”

Anyone who marches at night, in the South, with torches, is clearly mentally ill and dangerous to all of us — including Trump voters.

But what the hell does all of that have to do with President Trump? Or 63 million Trump voters? The answer is nothing.

By the way, I’m Jewish. Members of the KKK hate me. They want to kill me just as much as any black American. Like I said, they are sick in the head. The people marching in Charlottesville were a combination of brainless and toothless. They are missing a chromosome.

Their battle is not our battle. I’m not on their team. Their racist anger has nothing to do with a typical middle-class Trump voter’s anger at taxes, regulations, lax illegal immigration laws, big government and the IRS. That small crowd of losers marching in Charlottesville had nothing to do with President Trump’s victory.

Any attempt by the biased liberal media to tie a KKK march in Charlottesville with Trump and 63 million Trump voters is pure fraud and misrepresentation.

And Donald Trump’s response was 100 percent correct. Hate, racism and violence on either side — left or right — is heinous and unacceptable.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: We’ll need a Marshall Plan to save the US economy

I just don’t know if virtually banning business and commerce — literally destroying Las Vegas; leaving millions unemployed; and potentially starting a Great Depression — was the right path for stopping this deadly virus.