Past politicians let the world step all over America and American workers. There’s a new sheriff in town.
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Wayne Allyn Root
A world of mass distraction and distortion.
Don’t look now, but the Trump economy continues to roar.
Is he willing to answer some tough questions?
Rule by executive order and let the Supreme Court be the final arbiter.
If Trump killed Hitler, Democrats would defend Hitler.
Two incidents highlight how the left is completely out of touch.
He is delivering on his promise to secure the borders and make America great again.
Democrats preaching philosophy of gloom and doom.
Thank God we were all born in the United States, the greatest nation in world history.
Get your minds prepared for five more years of Trump. The deal is done.
Why do Democrats hate President Donald Trump so much? And why do Republicans love him so much?
This is our canary in the coalmine.
Millions of seniors and soon-to-be seniors will love him forever.
The good news just keeps on coming.