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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Bernie Sanders chugs the toxic Kool-Aid

Has our country gone mad? Even if I believe Bernie Sanders is the best thing to ever happen to the GOP (and I do) … even if I believe Bernie will lose to President Donald Trump by an electoral landslide (and I do) … even if I believe Bernie at the top of the Democrat ticket will lead to the GOP regaining the House (and I do) …

I still can’t believe some portion of America would vote for this radical, extreme, America-hating, socialist/communist. I can’t believe the people who teach our children (the Clark County Education Association) endorsed this man. I can’t believe Nevada Democrats handed him a landslide caucus victory.

These people are actually walking among us. Think about that.

Let’s put the shoe on the other foot. What if a conservative such as me said, “I’ve studied the Civil War. Although the Confederates were defending slavery, they did some good things. You can’t paint everything they did as bad.”

Can you imagine the firestorm? Because it doesn’t really matter what “good things” may have happened during slavery. The evil and inhumanity of the practice kind of outweigh everything else.

Does anyone really consider “the good that Confederates did” while enslaving millions of blacks? While beating them? While murdering slaves who tried to escape? I think any good is erased, don’t you?

Yet Sanders just defended Fidel Castro. No, not years ago. That’s frightening enough. Bernie just doubled down. He defended Castro days ago in an interview.

That’s the canary in the coal mine. That should send shivers down your spine. It’s not just Bernie’s love of all things Castro and communist that should frighten you. It’s that he doesn’t bother to hide it. He says it publicly, loudly and proudly — while running for president with the world watching.

I don’t care if Castro ever did something good. It all pales alongside the arrests of his political opponents and the torture, murder, firing squads and the stealing of private property. He turned the lives of many Cubans (except himself and his cronies, of course) into a living hell of poverty and misery.

How many Cubans did Castro murder? How many Cubans died in prison? How many business and homeowners had everything stolen from them? How many lives were ruined?

How bad was Bernie’s hero Castro? Cubans risked death on flimsy rafts over shark-infested waters to get away.

But to Bernie, the end justifies the means. He admires Fidel. If that’s what it takes to produce fairness, equality, social justice, the redistribution of wealth, free health care and education, Sanders can rationalize it.

And, as a bonus, Bernie is an atheist Jew who hates Israel and takes the side of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Palestinian Authority.

Bernie is honest to a fault. He’s telling us what he really believes. We must take him at his word. When a man is such a Kool-Aid drinking true believer that he’d defend a communist mass murderer, that’s the tipoff to what we’re really dealing with.

Meet Comrade Fidel Sanders. Be frightened. Very frightened.

— Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 AM and at 5 p.m. every night on Newsmax TV (Cox cable channel 96).

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: We’ll need a Marshall Plan to save the US economy

I just don’t know if virtually banning business and commerce — literally destroying Las Vegas; leaving millions unemployed; and potentially starting a Great Depression — was the right path for stopping this deadly virus.