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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Democratic rule producing ruin in our cities

I wrote Thursday how the dangers of socialism are best represented by the ongoing disaster in Venezuela. I pointed out that many American cities run by Democrats are becoming similar to Venezuela because of socialist policies.

It’s easy to see. In Chicago, there are 50 people shot and 10 to 20 killed nearly every weekend. Democrats have run Chicago for more than half a century. It’s black-on-black genocide. And there’s not one elected Republican to blame.

So let me ask you something. Is having 50 citizens shot and 10 to 20 murdered every weekend in Chicago any better than Venezuela? Actually, it may be worse. This is what Democrats have produced.

Then there’s California. Big cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco are turning into sewers — with homeless encampments everywhere and the ground strewn with drug needles and littered with poop and pee. Remember, California is a 100 percent Democrat production.

But all of that pales compared to the latest news. California Democrats are now fighting to allow murderers, rapists, gang bangers and drug dealers to serve on juries.

Keep in mind, relatives of cops are excused from jury duty in California due to the possibility of “unconscious bias.” But California Democrats trust that murderers will have no “unconscious bias” against police or prosecutors.

Even convicted felons still on parole or probation could serve on a jury while wearing ankle bracelets. Do you think thugs will convict thugs? California is one step removed from becoming lawless Venezuela.

Then we get to my old hometown of New York. I was there last week as a speaker at the Talkers Convention for America’s top radio talk show hosts. I am a witness to the results of Democrats’ socialist madness.

I saw homeless people everywhere — even on famous Fifth Avenue — lying in front of churches and stores for billion-dollar brands. And not just any homeless people. Mentally ill and violent homeless.

In my 27 years of living in New York, and now three decades of visiting, no bum asking me for money had ever been either aggressive or threatening. That changed. A bum asked me for money outside a nice restaurant. I said, “No thank you.” The bum’s response was a plethora of F-bombs.

This is a sign of what the socialist policies of Mayor Bill de Blasio have done to New York. It’s now as bad as San Francisco. That’s saying something.

Watching TV news that night, I saw cellphone video of a bum swinging a hammer at passengers on a subway train. And another bum hanging off the front window of a city bus, using a large knife to smash the driver’s window. The violent madness is out of control in New York. Is this any better than in Venezuela?

I saw SWAT officers with machine guns standing guard over St. Patrick’s Cathedral. I sat in the worst traffic in the world and saw angry drivers cursing out cops.

I took about 20 Uber rides while in Manhattan. Not one driver was American-born. Many of them spoke barely a word of English. Asking them questions was impossible. We couldn’t communicate.

Is this America? Well it’s the Democrat version of America. And it’s unlivable. And you know what I saw the most of? Inequality. I saw a few elite, super rich New Yorkers. And pretty much everyone else was living in misery. Just like Venezuela. If Democrat policies work so well, why is there so much inequality?

I love New York. I was born and bred there. But I have no interest in ever going back. It might as well be Venezuela.

This is the nightmare Democrats produce everywhere they rule. Our city could be next.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: We’ll need a Marshall Plan to save the US economy

I just don’t know if virtually banning business and commerce — literally destroying Las Vegas; leaving millions unemployed; and potentially starting a Great Depression — was the right path for stopping this deadly virus.