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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Joe Biden won’t be enough to stop the Trump machine

I had a Super Tuesday. I want to share it with you.

I spoke at the Nevada Republican Club this Super Tuesday. Or, as Joe Biden calls it, Super Thursday. It was a madhouse. Hundreds attended. Many more were turned away. It was sold out far in advance.

The crowd was wild and enthusiastic. The atmosphere was electric. These were 50-year-old Republicans acting as if they were attending a rock concert.

What was all the excitement about? Nevada Republicans know I’m President Donald Trump’s staunchest national media defender and champion. They know I celebrate Trump every day on radio, on TV and in newspapers. And they can’t get enough. They love Trump. They are sick of the negative, biased “fake news” from the mainstream media. They want to hear positive news about Trump. They want to celebrate Trump.

There are quite a few lessons to be learned from my experience.

First, Trump is the most popular politician in America. The intensity and enthusiasm hasn’t worn off one iota after three years. If anything, it’s increased. People love Trump. This crowd cheered when I called Trump “the GOAT” (greatest of all time). They want more Trump.

Second, the mainstream media aren’t just wrong about Trump. They’re wrong about the coronavirus, too. If things are so bad, if this is the biggest health crisis ever, if no one wants to go out in public anymore, how could my speech attract such a crowd? As usual, the media are wrong. They can’t stop the Trump lovefest or the Trump economy.

Third, Democrats put Joe Biden in the driver’s seat on Tuesday. The man is way past his due date. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. He thinks half the population of America was killed by guns. He mixed up his wife and sister on stage Tuesday night. He called Chris Wallace “Chuck” during an interview.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe thinks he’s running against Calvin Coolidge. The man is dazed and confused. Democrats may rue the day they got what they wished for.

Mike Bloomberg spent $600 million and got nothing for it. He won only American Samoa. He could have bought American Samoa for that price. He learned a lesson: A politician can’t buy love.

That’s why I think Democrats have made a huge mistake with Biden. My experience at the Nevada Republican Club proves it. Trump inspires deep love, passion and intensity. Biden is another Bloomberg. No one gets excited over Joe. Joe doesn’t inspire young voters. His rallies can be held in a phone booth. Biden’s support is a mile wide and an inch thick.

Biden reminds me of a crummy version of Hillary Clinton circa 2016. He’s another old, corrupt, establishment hack with the support of Democrat bosses. But the voters won’t get excited. He brings nothing new to the table. He’s Hillary 2.0.

By the time this election is over, Democrats will be longing for what could have been with Bernie and his passionate, enthusiastic fan base.

— Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 AM and at 8 p.m. every night on Newsmax TV (Cox cable channel 96).

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: We’ll need a Marshall Plan to save the US economy

I just don’t know if virtually banning business and commerce — literally destroying Las Vegas; leaving millions unemployed; and potentially starting a Great Depression — was the right path for stopping this deadly virus.