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Obama’s school czar

President-elect Barack Obama is a Democrat. In modern times, the teacher unions have formed an important core constituency for the party — so much so that unionized teachers and other unionized government employees can often form the largest bloc at any Democratic gathering.

Meanwhile …

There’s a little-known fact about Barack Obama that, if exposed, would bring untold shame to the president-elect.

Spending on the nation’s infrastructure

Remember all the campaign fuss surrounding the expression “lipstick on a pig”? President-elect Barack Obama is prepared to apply the red stuff to the kisser of a familiar oinker and call it an “economic stimulus.”

Government’s good intentions gone awry — again

The federal government’s crisis response has taken quite a beating lately. Its reaction, or lack thereof, to Hurricane Katrina confirmed for many people that the federal government was asleep at the switch in the aftermath of a terrible natural disaster. More recently, the meltdown in the financial sector has exposed severe weaknesses in the government’s ability to recognize and act quickly to confront a major economic crisis.

Baby-sitting, bureaucracy carry the day

It is a travesty that the American people do not appreciate one of the greatest assets they can have at no direct cost. Maybe that is why it goes unappreciated.

On bravery and heroism, then and now

One of the purposes of education is to convey a society’s mores, customs, morality, body of knowledge and traditions from one generation to the next.

Barack and Sarah’s worldCommentary

Georgia had its runoff for the U.S. Senate last week to settle things between Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss and Democratic challenger Jim Martin.

This Christmas, remember the less fortunate

In this holiday season, it’s hard to be hard-hearted. So you’ll pardon me if this week I refrain from writing one of my usual missives condemning the waste, fraud, arrogance and generally thuggish behavior of our government masters.

Justice for O.J. Simpson

O.J. Simpson is the former football star and movie actor who was acquitted of murder in a criminal trial 13 years ago in the Los Angeles slayings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman.

Like Willie Sutton, lawmakers eventually will go where the money is

This week’s special legislative session promises all the drama of a professional wrestling match. There will be posturing and grandstanding, all right. But whatever deal is struck to cover a state revenue shortfall of $342 million will be staged to the last punch and wail. The whole thing is being scripted in secret meetings in Carson City.