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Senate District 6, in the northwest, features incumbent Democrat Nicole Cannizzaro, the majority leader, against Republican April Becker.

Ms. Cannizzaro, who didn’t return phone calls, is a Clark County prosecutor serving in defiance of the state constitution’s separation of powers clause, making laws and enforcing laws at the same time. She oversaw the illegal passage of two tax hikes last session, since overturned, when they were enacted without the required two-thirds support in the upper chamber. Ms. Cannizzaro has shown a propensity for siding with public-sector unions over state taxpayers.

Ms. Becker, an attorney, calls the 2019 Legislature the “most anti-business session in the history of the state” and argues that higher taxes are no answer for the coronavirus budget hole. “I don’t think at this time,” she said, “we can tax people who have been devastated.” She vows a commitment to transparency and pledges to be a friend of economic development. “We were a very business-friendly state,” Ms. Becker notes, “but if we continue on the road we’re on … why would anyone want to move their business here?”

April Becker earns our recommendation in Senate District 6.

Review-Journal endorsements: Senate, US House

Control of both the Senate and House is at stake in this election, and the results of Nevada’s federal races could be the decisive factor one way or the other.

Review-Journal endorsement: Governor of Nevada

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Review-Journal endorsements: Nevada legislative races

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Review-Journal endorsements: Judicial races

These contests present challenges for many voters, as the campaigns are often low-profile, cordial affairs absent debates, while the candidates are all typically professional and well-educated.