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We keep re-electing utter failures

To the editor:

The federal government has failed and is failing in many areas. It is Republicans and Democrats alike who are responsible.

How can Americans allow so many representatives and senators to remain in office for so many years when the results of their actions -- and their inaction -- have been so poor?

I prepare legal documents for a living. If I do a bad job for my customer, he or she likely will not use me again. If I admit my mistake and promise to do better, he or she may give me a second chance. Our representatives and senators have done and are doing a poor job. When they are asked about it, they refuse to acknowledge any errors and continue with business as usual. There is something wrong with this picture.

Michael K. Casler


Voter fraud

To the editor:

In response to "Alleging fraud, authorities raid voter group," on the front page of Wednesday's Review-Journal:

Wow, what a revelation! To borrow Claude Rains' classic line in the movie "Casablanca," I am shocked, shocked to learn of voter registration fraud inside ACORN of all places. ACORN, the street organizing group in Chicago where Sen. Barack Obama began his political career? How could this possibly happen?

On a serious note, when I hear of voter fraud and ACORN, my only comment would be: What else is new?



Protecting a treasure

To the editor:

I am a fairly new resident of Mesquite, retired and seeking outdoor recreation opportunities. When my wife and I found Gold Butte, we were delighted. It is a great place to discover desert wildlife, scenic vistas and to study its history.

In the short 21/2 years that we have been here, we have seen irreparable damage done to this magnificent area. We have seen new offroad trails made, irrespective of the desert plants that were being destroyed in the process.

I support Rep. Shelley Berkley's legislation that designates Gold Butte a national conservation area with wilderness (Sept. 27 Review-Journal). Her district's growth is dependent on Clark County's preservation of the remaining rural portion of the county.

I've had four-wheelers in the past and enjoy hiking, particularly with other retirees in our hiking club. A conservation area will allow for all uses, motorized within the area and hiking opportunities in the wilderness. This proposal is supported by the city of Mesquite and most of the residents alike.

Progress often means protecting our treasures.

Charles W. Edwards


Just say no

To the editor:

The proposed Gold Butte wilderness plan is all wrong for the area.

First off, this area was under consideration for wilderness protection years ago under the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act but was left out because it lacked wilderness characteristics.

Now Rep. Shelley Berkley thinks it needs protection, even though the citizens of the communities that are next to Gold Butte (about 65 miles northeast of Las Vegas) will be adversely affected by the bill and oppose it.

Rep. Jon Porter, whose congressional district includes the Gold Butte area, has had public meetings about a possible wilderness designation for the area and the majority did not want it.

Ken Freeman


Party's over

To the editor:

Please, someone, tell me why I am a Republican? Is it because Rep. Jon Porter and Sen. John McCain vote for government bailouts of businesses whose own actions got them in trouble? Is it because we buy up houses from people who made bad decisions? Is it because Sen. McCain heaps praise on Sen. Barack Obama's supporters during debates?

Just tell me why any of this makes sense. We are supposed to stand for principles: liberty, limited government, the opportunity to succeed while taking risk of failure. It is the pursuit of happiness, not the assurance of it.

Tony Righellis


Get out the ax

To the editor:

The economy is sinking; health care is expensive and unavailable to millions; education is not meeting the needs of many who then drop out before graduation; the military is stretched almost to the breaking point while two wars drag on with no end in sight; and the national debt is about $10 trillion.

It is time for all of us to stop the games, close down the playground and start acting like intelligent adults. I'd like to hear both presidential candidates tell us how they will deal with the national debt, not make promises that will just increase it.

And we as citizens have to be willing to make sacrifices: less spending, fewer entitlements, higher taxes if that is what it will take to get us back on track. Nothing should be spared from cuts: Social Security, Medicare, veterans benefits, all those special tax breaks that businesses get, education, etc.

That would be true patriotism.

Judith Lachance


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