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VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The green immoralists

Elite ideology divorced from reality impoverishes people and can get them killed.

LETTER: Mail theft running rampant in Las Vegas

On Monday, the Review Journal ran a story about thousands of mail theft reports in Las Vegas over the past 12 months. Sounds like voting by mail is a great idea.

LETTER: Nevada and nuclear power

State continues to turn down a potential gold mine.

LETTER: Joe Biden-Jimmy Carter stuff is inaccurate

Nicholas P. Gartner’s March 7 letter criticizing President Joe Biden appears to be in need of some correction. The numbers don’t add up.

LETTER: US lacks self-awareness on Ukraine

Is it lost on everyone that the same politicians who insisted that our military invade Afghanistan and Iraq to effect regime change are now aghast at what Russia is doing to Ukraine?

LETTER: We only need a little bit

Reading “The Lorax” by Dr, Seuss would help users to understand pollution’s bad consequences.

CARTOON: Bizarre policy

President Joe Biden courts Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran to replace Russian energy imports instead of tapping U.S. and Canadian oil producers.

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