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Former MVP Ryan Braun suspended for rest of season

Former National League MVP Ryan Braun was suspended without pay for the rest of the season and the postseason Monday in the first penalty following Major League Baseball’s investigation of the Florida clinic accused of distributing performance-enhancing drugs.

Frenzied crowds greet Pope Francis in Brazil

Frenzied crowds of Roman Catholics mobbed the car carrying Pope Francis on Monday when he returned to his home continent for the first time as pontiff, embarking on a seven-day visit meant to fan the fervor of the faithful around the globe.

It’s a boy! Prince William’s wife, Kate, gives birth

Britain and the world waited for news Monday afternoon, after Prince William’s wife, Kate, checked into the private wing of a central London hospital and palace officials announced that she was in labor.

Ohio man charged with murder after three bodies found

EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio — An Ohio man possibly influenced by a serial killer was charged Monday with aggravated murder after three bodies wrapped in trash bags were found in suburban Cleveland.

Phil Mickelson wins Open Championship for 1st time

Instead of another excruciating loss in a major championship, Phil Mickelson got a chance to celebrate early.

A brilliant closing round at challenging Muirfield made it possible.

Detroit then and now, a look back at the city in photos

In Detroit’s heyday, it was the place where workers in a rising middle class flocked to factories to build the cars that changed America’s way of life. It was a city of innovation, of pride, of grit.

A year after Aurora movie shooting, town seeks healing

Some recited the names of the dead. Some did good deeds for their neighbors. And some practiced yoga, walked through nature, or simply talked.

Charges in case of men found held in Texas home

A 31-year-old man has been charged with two counts of injury to the elderly after authorities found four men malnourished and held against their will in a dungeon-like Houston house.

More evacuations in Southern California wildfire

Residents of another 700 homes were advised to retreat to safety on Friday as crews fighting a wildfire in the mountains above Palm Springs grew increasingly concerned about the possibility of unstable weather and erratic winds.

Fort Bliss: Contaminated bunker not a threat

Fort Bliss officials downplayed the threat of radiation exposure Friday related to a contaminated bunker on the West Texas military post.

Coroner: Teen in Asiana crash killed by vehicle

As the wreckage of Asiana Flight 214 burned, Ye Meng Yuan was lying on the ground just 30 feet away, buried by the firefighting foam rescue workers were spraying to douse the flames.

Obama says Martin ‘could have been me’ years ago

In a rare and public reflection on race, President Barack Obama called on the nation Friday to do some soul searching over the death of Trayvon Martin and the acquittal of his shooter, saying the slain black teenager “could have been me 35 years ago.”

Cops: 4 elderly captives held in ‘deplorable’ Texas home

Four men found living in “deplorable conditions” in a Houston garage on Friday told police that they were being held captive after being lured by promises of food and cigarettes so that their captor could cash their public-assistance checks, authorities said.

Colo. town considers drone-hunting ordinance; FAA says not a good idea

In response to questions about an ordinance under consideration in the small community of Deer Trail, Colo., that would encourage hunters to shoot down drones, the FAA reminded the public that it regulates the nation’s airspace and those who fire guns at drones could be prosecuted or fined.

‘The Way, Way Back’ a nostalgic coming-of-age story

“The Way, Way Back” feels like the ultimate summer movie… of 1983. No cities are leveled. No planets are ruined. The only thing that blows up is a relationship.