LETTER: Protesters chant, “No justice, no peace”

If you are advocating “no peace” and turn to violence, looting, damaging property and setting fires, then I strongly support the actions of the police.

CARTOON: The Grey Lady turns yellow.

The New York Times caves to protests and apologizes for tolerating free speech.

EDITORIAL: Democrats now want to jack up federal gas tax

In many cases, the rising costs of gasoline are not unconnected to the taxes imposed by the very same politicians who try to gain cheap political points by railing against high fuel costs.

Trump pushes conspiracy theory about Buffalo protester

President Donald Trump ignited fresh controversy over his hard-line “law and order” push Tuesday by peddling yet another unfounded conspiracy theory, this time trying to raise suspicions about a 75-year-old protester who was hospitalized after being shoved by police and falling.