CARTOON: Partisan fire

In a misleading voting rights speech, President Joe Biden advocates federalizing elections and undermines faith in our electoral system.

LETTER: A pandemic of the unvaccinated?

President Joe Biden has repeatedly been saying that the coronavirus is now a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Not anymore — and Biden should quit saying it.

What ever happened to Elvis?

‘The King’ has been consistently depicted on the Strip in a ticketed production show since at least 1978, but there is no longer any Elvis Presley tribute on the Strip and, at the moment, none at all anywhere in the city.

Las Vegas blood banks seek donors as supply runs low

The emergency blood supply is several days short of the multiday reserve needed in Southern Nevada, mirroring a national shortage, officials said.

US shoppers finding bare shelves at some stores due to COVID

Shortages at U.S. grocery stores have grown more acute in recent weeks as new problems — like the fast-spreading omicron variant — have piled on to the supply chain struggles and labor shortages.