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Donald Trump scrutiny is way over the top

I don’t know about the rest of your readers, but I can tell you that I am sick to death of reading and hearing pundits discussing, criticizing and rehashing every single move and alleged action of the president.

For my part, I am turning off the endless whining of the Democrats and the liberal commentators. I’m limiting my news intake to the local parade of car crashes, murders, sex crimes and weather.

When I hire a contractor to fix my washer or air conditioner, I leave it to the worker and expect the work to be carried out in a professional manner. I don’t stand over them and criticize their every move.

Same with the president. We hired him to do some specific things. We can always fire him and find someone else; until then let’s let him do his job.

LETTER: Columbia kids need to learn to pay their own way

Frankly, if I had kids at Columbia who participated in these “protests,” I’d yank them out of school, toss their stuff onto the lawn and tell them to get a job, go live in the real world and pay your own way.

LETTER: Here’s the real threat to democracy

In the 2020 election, Mr. Biden ran on promises he has failed to keep. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

LETTER: No need for an SOS on Social Security

The functional reality is that members of Congress need to keep Social Security alive or they will be voted out of office.