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Donald Trump’s tweets are understandable

For the past six months, the co-hosts of the MSNBC program “Morning Joe” have embarked on a crusade of personal attacks against Donald Trump and his staff. These attacks included comments about mental health and body parts. They also included comments about the weight and appearance of his press envoys — one a man and one a woman. After six months, Mr. Trump responded in a very “Trumpian” way.

First, we heard the usual hypocrisy about women. “Women should be treated just like men” say those on the liberal left. Yet, when raging harpie Mika Brzezinski was afforded the same treatment she bestowed on Mr. Trump, we heard the typical refrain, “How dare he attack a woman?”

Second, when did we as a nation decide that liberal broadcasters are exempt from basic civility? The rhetoric we have seen spewed forth on CNN, MSNBC and other outlets regarding the color of Mr. Trump’s hair, his waistline, calling him a thug, “Hitler-esque” and a fascist are somehow off limits for comment by the president or anyone else?

Would I have responded as Mr. Trump did? No. But I understand why he did post those tweets about two scurrilous individuals who lolled at his resort, ate his food and fawned over him during the campaign to get ratings and then attacked him viciously after he was elected to again boost their ratings.

LETTER: Russian warships off the Florida coast

It’s strange that the mainstream media are treating Russian combat ships miles off the Florida coast as nothing to see here.

LETTER: Columnist gaslights about Donald Trump

Mr. Trump would have not won if his affair with Stormy Daniels had been made public after the “Access Hollywood” tapes in which Mr. Trump brags that he grabs women by the genitals.

LETTER: A balanced approach on the energy transition

We will never be free of fossil fuels. A balanced approach is needed. Politically doctrinaire positions on both sides won’t help us resolve the current problems.

LETTER: Up, up and away

I contend that the gas produced by the City Council is worse than anything the common folk could ever think of.

LETTER: Jurors have an easy job in Hunter Biden case

The evidence is crystal clear, compelling and truthful — and there are self-incriminating comments made by Hunter himself. It is a slam dunk.

LETTER: On the Oakland A’s

What are we wasting our money on? There are myriad and better places here to use the money we will save.

LETTER: Desalination, yes

But, the only new pipelines needed would be from the desalination plants to the reservoirs or canals.