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Donald Trump’s tweets bringing shame to country, presidency

Donald Trump’s tweets last weekend brought shame not only to the Republican Party, but to our country, as well. If a grade-school child did the same thing, he would be expelled, as he should be, for cyber bulling.

The health-care bill is in shambles, tax reform is nowhere in sight, a meeting with Vladimir Putin is on the horizon and yet Mr. Trump’s focus is on some childish Twitter tirade. His actions are below the presidency.

I call upon all Americans to publicly denounce his actions. We must stand up for our country and say this line of conduct is not acceptable — not from a 12 year old or the president of the United States.

LETTER: Americans need a break from the rat race

The 32-hour workweek recently proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders presents an opportunity to reflect on the hidden costs of our workplace culture.

LETTER: Library officials get Super Bowl tickets

At minimum, the library board needs to recover the cost of each ticket from their salaries, and both men need to issue a formal public apology, I would think.