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End is near — of the campaign, that is

I read Terri Maue’s Wednesday letter “Smear campaign.” She discusses the WikiLeaks regarding Hillary’s email use and says we should vote “based on facts, not fear-mongering.” I have to agree wholeheartedly. Let us vote based on facts.

Fact 1: During the primaries when asked about the possibility of being indicted over the use of her private server, Hillary scoffed and said, “That’s not going to happen.”

Fact 2: Bill Clinton took a walk out to the tarmac and boarded the attorney general’s plane and had a conversation with her.

Fact 3: After her discussion with Bill Clinton, the attorney general said that she would stand by the FBI’s decision in regard to the investigation into Hillary’s private server.

Fact 4: Mr. Comey said that Hillary and her staff were extremely careless but that Hillary didn’t “knowingly violate any laws.” This fact raises some serious questions. Before becoming a politician, Hillary was a lawyer. She testified under oath to Congress about her use of the private email server. The FBI said she lied about her emails. In what state can a lawyer join the Bar without knowing what perjury is?

Here is a serious fact for everyone: Hillary Clinton is the establishment’s choice for president. Simply because she is “business as usual in Washington.” Business as usual in Washington is what has brought small business and the working middle class to the brink of extinction.

The Constitution and The Bill of Rights are on life support. A vote for business as usual is a vote to pull the plug on the life support.

David Shoup

Las Vegas

Blind eye

In response to your Wednesday editorial, “A scandal machine”:

Hillary Clinton is not perfect. No one, including Hillary, has ever argued that she should become president on the basis of perfection. She has admitted herself that it was a mistake to use a private server and has apologized. But she will win on Tuesday based on her qualifications and experience (you know, things that actually matter).

I find it bizarre that the Review-Journal continues to take issue with Hillary’s emails and yet gives a pass to Donald Trump’s history of predatory talk, unstable behavior and chronic lying. The double standard is absolutely ridiculous. You are willing to turn a blind eye to Mr. Trump, a man who if he wins could imperil the future of our country.

Americans know better. I want the Review-Journal to recognize that, too.

Olga Ginez

Las Vegas

Unserious candidate

As Election Day approaches us, I would like to make a last plea to those considering casting a ballot for Donald Trump. I can understand the desire to see real change in Washington to clean up the corruption and dysfunction that seems to be rampant throughout all levels of government. Donald Trump, however, is an unconvincing agent of that change.

He is unconvincing because he is a singularly unserious candidate, making it a point of pride that he has put no effort into practicing for the position he claims he desires. Donald Trump has demonstrated that he has little understanding of how the basic pillars of civil government work.

Had Donald Trump shown up knowing this little about policy at the beginning of primary season (he did) but spent the intervening year and a half furiously woodshedding to make up for the deficit in his knowledge (he didn’t), we could have a normal discussion about the differences between the candidates of the two parties. Since this hasn’t happened, I would implore you to strongly consider against casting a vote for a man whose overriding decision making process when dealing with others seems to be a simple check for whether they say nice things about him.

I do respect the concerns about Hillary Clinton and share some of them. I just ask that you give serious thought to how likely it is that Mr. Trump would be able to accomplish any of the goals he has vaguely outlined.

James Snow

North Las Vegas

Tough times

Donald Trump’s vision and toughness will help all Americans. D.C. sent our jobs and wealth overseas and saddled us with illegals, lawlessness and racial problems. Let’s throw out the far-left, corrupt, dictatorial Chicago Obama-Clinton machine.

Imagine a Hillary future: a socialist Supreme Court, trashing our Constitution, an open-border invasion and amnesty of epic proportions, corporate flight, business failures, low wages, joblessness, welfare, weakened churches, more abortion, disastrous foreign policy, Islamist terror, greater civil unrest and racial tension, police demoralization, abominable health care, oppressive centralized government, corruption, bloated government agencies, heavy taxes and financial and personal insecurity.

Expect impeachment and her removal from office.

M. Pratt

Las Vegas

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.