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Donald Trump should let Obamacare descend into madness

Note to Donald Trump: Do nothing in regard to health care. That’s right, do nothing.

The Democratic Party, after gaining a false mandate from the public, unleashed a stinking mess of a health-care bill on the American people. The Republican Party, after seven years of promises to repeal, reneged on their pledge. Now comes the inevitable.

Republicans, bowing down to pressure from non-taxpayers to continue the gravy train by keeping the Medicaid expansion and/or massive subsidies, will end up voting with Democrats to provide a bailout for this failure. And who will pay? The taxpayers, of course, with continuous major increases in health-care costs along with wage stagnation due to employers having to foot higher employee costs.

Unless … Donald Trump does the right thing and vetoes any spending bill that props up Obamacare. Let it descend into madness. Let Republican senators who had a chance to save us explain why they failed. Have these fake conservatives explain how they decried the massive expansion of Medicaid as “unsustainable” seven years ago — and voted to protect it now.

And as voters, let’s start weeding out the gutless lawmakers who lie to us with their words and cover their “you-know-what” with their actions.

Here in Nevada, let’s make Sen. Dean Heller the first on the list to face the music. It is time for this faux Republican to go.

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